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Pediatric Eczema



Dr. Lana Moshkovich, DACM, L.Ac

Nirvana Naturopathics

707 Lake Cook Rd Suite 100

Deerfield, IL 60015



Case study: Pediatric Eczema case study



03/07/20 Parent brought to our clinic a 3 year old son with severe eczema, allergies on multiple food categories and anaphylactic reactions to eggs.


On the initial visit we discussed developmental milestones.


According to the patient’s mother, she had multiple Rhogam shots due to being Rh negative.


The boy was born at 38 weeks, C-Section.

He is the second child in the family.  The first delivery was difficult due to the child’s weight. Respiratory failure, aspiration. According to mom, she developed speech delay after the 2nd dose of DTap at 17 months.

Weight 9 lbs, 5 Oz. Heights 21 inches

The child was born healthy, but had jaundice for a short time.

He was born with a lip and tongue tie which was corrected with Franectomy at the hospital.


On the first day of birth, the patient received a vitamin K injection to help blood to clot and prevent serious bleeding and silver nitrate solution into a newborn's eyes to prevent conjunctivitis.


He was breasted for 3.5 weeks without any difficulties.

According to the parents, the child never cried a lot, had colic, vomited or had skin or diaper rash.


Solid food was introduced at 4 months.


List of other vaccinations: HIB, Prevnar at 2 months.

According to the parents, eczema started in response to the immunization.


Developmental milestones were according to norm.


The patient struggled with eczema since 2 months old.

His first antibiotic, Amoxicillin, was received at 13 month olds for infected eczema.


According to the mom, her son was the easiest baby. He slept throughout the night; was very chill and was a very happy baby. Eczema started on his back at 2 months following HIB and Prevnar immunization.

Eczema exploded all over his body as he was introduced to avocado and organic veggies bland at 1 year old.

From there, things went down quickly.

As of the first day of his appointment, he has severe eczema that affects his ability to sleep and play like a normal 3 year old.

According to his recent blood work( 09/10/2019) he has  well over 100 food allergies/ sensitivities with anaphylactic reactions to eggs, peanuts, tree nuts.

Other allergies included cows milk, grass, wheat, soybean, corn, box elder, elm tree, pig weed, birch tree.


Sensitivities: salicylates, histamines, saponins.

Also, he has environmental allergies including a severe dog and cat allergies.


Observation: red and itchy skin with blisters on the face, belly, arms and legs.  Some skin was red dry and cracked. The boy barely could sit. He constantly needed to scratch.


He was wearing a special zinc infused suit to sooth his itching.

Parents had to use guards for arms and legs at day time and night so his child wouldn’t be able to reach and scratch to make his skin bleeding and infected. Mom carried a large bag with special non- allergenic napkins and organic creams to be ready to use. Parents looked hopeless. Mom, a beautiful 34 year old woman, cried.

The patient's belly was distended like a balloon and he didn’t let anyone touch his belly button because it was painful.

Some of the other symptoms were inguinal rash.


Safe food list that patient could eat on the time of the beginning of his treatments:


  1. Tigernut
  2. Pears- peeled thick
  3. White potato without skin
  4. Carrots- only 1 per day
  5. Spaghetti squash- 1/5th only and not in combination with carrots or asparagus
  6. Beets
  7. Asparagus- only 2 spears a day
  8. Brussel sprouts


Patient’s mom decided to explore other possible treatment options and called our office with the intention to treat her son with the NAET method.


After initial visit on 03/07/20 Dr. Lana Moshkovich at Nirvana Naturopathics proposed a treatment plan and scheduled NAET treatments.


Patient was treated with NAET and Acupressure for the first session on March 7, 2020.


He received NAET treatments 3 times a week:

10 sessions in March 2020,

11 sessions in April 2020,

11 sessions in May 2020,

7 sessions in June 2020.



We have done 39 NAET sessions including treatments for basics, repeated sugar, neurotransmitters, individuals nuts, chocolates, formaldehyde, yeast, hormones, animal and vegetable fats, dog hair, enzymes, pollen, berries, spices, etc.


The boy gained 8 lbs in 3 month. He doesn’t wear any guards anymore. His skin looks much healthier and he enjoys his summer, playing with his sister and eating more foods.


Here is a list of food the child eats now (06/20/20) in addition to 8 foods that he was eating without limitation and including skin of the fruits and vegetables:


  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Green grapes
  4. Strawberry
  5. Raspberry
  6. Mango
  7. Blueberry
  8. Oat milk
  9. Coconut milk
  10. Oats
  11. Millet
  12. Corn
  13. Zucchini
  14. Salt
  15. Pepper
  16. Coconut
  17. Spinach
  18. Corn flakes
  19. Green tea
  20. Coconut cinnamon
  21. Farina
  22. Veggie chip
  23. Chicken
  24. Cucumbers
  25. Mustard
  26. GF chicken strips
  27. Popcorn
  28. Tigernut and chia chips
  29. Cherry tomatoes
  30. Balsamic dressing
  31. Lettuce
  32. Brown rice
  33. Grape juice
  34. Cinnamon raisin granola
  35. Raisins
  36. Sucker candies
  37. Coconut tortilla shells
  38. Honey
  39. Coconut ice cream
  40. Pickles
  41. Lime popsicle
  42. Cassava flour
  43. Arrowroot flour
  44. Tigernut flour


Patient is continuing NAET treatments 3x a week at our office with significant improvements in both eczema and allergies.

With the consent of the patient’s mom, attached are some progress pictures.


On 6/20/20 we received message from this little boy mom:

“I know I’ve told you this a million times, but you’ve changed our lives. Every second of every day and night is better because of you. I’ve gotten to know my little boy without all the constant pain these last few months. I didn’t know him, and I didn’t know what he looked like, and now I do. I don’t think I can describe the impact you’ve had on our family. Every smile now is because of you, both his and mine. Thank God for you. We’d been praying for a miracle when you popped up! Our gratitude is so great that there just aren’t words.  Thank you for staying open during this pandemic for him. I know the risk you took, and all the prayers and work you’ve put into us, and it’ll always be remembered. You will always be a name in our house. There’s something special waiting in heaven for you, someone who gave us our little boy back. And I can’t imagine all the others you’ve healed along the way!”



Nirvana Naturopathics
707 Lake Cook Rd, Suite 125
Deerfield, IL 60015
Phone: 847-243-6447

Office Hours

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